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A Botanical Sanctuary Retreat

If you haven’t watched the intro video above then please do so first!


By what is known in the Incan tradition as 'Ayni,' the Universal principle of Sacred Reciprocity, 

we recognize that maintaining balance in the cycle of giving and receiving is as natural as the rainforest...


In a very real way, you and I can personally have a direct impact by contributing hands-on to the solution, thereby becoming an integral and living part of this cycle of reciprocity.


An Ayni garden honors the reciprocal balance between these sacred plants, the Amazon, and ourselves.


This project is my way of honoring the Plants and the Amazon for all they give, have given, and will continue to give both us and every living thing on this miracle of a planet upon which we find ourselves walking.


I am inviting you to help me make this vision a reality.




The Vision

The primary and foundational vision for Ayni Vida is to cultivate a thriving, protected, and sustainable Ayni garden (garden of reciprocity) and give it the continued maintenance and care it needs to grow and flourish.


Ideally, a beautiful botanical sanctuary retreat in a super inspiring location, close enough to amenities and community yet far enough to maintain the space for deep immersion.


The grounds are to be part wild jungle and part botanical garden with an educational aspect regarding the plants and wildlife, regeneration, sustainability, etc.


I would love to see it evolve into a super inspiring educational and transformational retreat center with quality infrastructure, including a temple, community space, accommodation, etc.


The aim is for it to be totally self-sustaining, i.e., to fully financially cover itself, staff, maintenance, improvements, etc., and to maintain the means to continue to grow and flourish, both the garden and the sanctuary as a whole. 


The longer-term vision is for it to act as a mother tree, a home base for supporting and launching other projects similar to Ayni Vida and other educational, environmental, and humanitarian initiatives.



The practice of Ayni involves

active participation in a symbiotic exchange with the living natural world. 

The benefits and blessings go both ways,

it becomes a gift all around.


‘The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, 
the next best time is now’

The Ripple Effect

Please know that by your contribution,
you are effectively:
  • Sponsoring and planting a living Ayni garden and ensuring its continued growth and care.

  • Helping to reset the balance between the growing interest and consumption of her unique plants and the considerable strain on the living forest that this creates as they are sought and extracted.

  • Helping to lower the impact and reduce at least some of the considerable burden on the Amazon, her endangered ecosystems, finite resources, and fragile biodiversity.

  • Thereby indirectly helping to preserve even just one small but infinitely precious part of her in her original sanctity.

  • Helping to create a beautiful sanctuary retreat, a safe haven where we can come together to learn and grow and explore the parameters of what it really means to be human and not just to survive but to positively flourish and thrive.

  • Providing a platform to support different teachers and lineages in coming and sharing their wisdom and teachings, from earth-based wisdom to self-inquiry to trauma-informed self-care practices, health, wellbeing, and more.

  • Providing a hands-on educational platform to share wisdom and resources about plants, forests, animals, and their protection and care.

  • Providing the ongoing opportunity for others in the future to experience the many and varied life-changing benefits of such an experience. 

  • Lending your heart and hand directly into the soil of that living cycle of reciprocity. 

  • Fostering a sense of personal self-worth and well-being in the knowledge that you are making a difference on a very real, meaningful, and tangible level.

  • Helping to plant a seed whose potential ripple effect we can only begin to imagine.​

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So, again my friend, if this resonates with you,
and you feel it in your heart,
please consider supporting me in making this vision a reality.


How to make your

We can accommodate your US-based tax-deductible donations in both fiat (cash) currency and crypto.

Please choose an option below.






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As an Ayni Vida Benefactor

 You’ll receive regular updates on:

  • The health and evolution of the gardens, ie: the seedlings, cuttings, nurseries, potting, planting, and ongoing growth.

  • The health, evolution, and trajectory of the sanctuary as a whole.

  • The greater vision as it evolves.

  • And more.


We'll make sure to take care of you by way of:

  • Benefactors retreats.

  • You’ll be the first to know what’s happening regarding workshops, retreats, excursions, etc.

  • You'll receive the first options to attend events, etc.

  • Discounts.

  • Private events.

  • And more...


Your generous support will help:

  • Secure the right piece of land.

  • Build the infrastructure.

  • Cultivation of the garden.

  • Navigate the legalities.

  • Administration.

  • And everything else as aforementioned.

  • And more



  • This is only going out to our circle and is in no way to be shared or posted on social media.

  • That said, if you do have somebody (as some of you have mentioned) in particular that you know would understand and appreciate this and might love to support and help make this happen, then by all means, please share it with them.

  • Thank you!


Either way my dear friend:

I know that some of you have some means to support this and some of you do not, and regardless of whether you do or you don’t, and if you choose or feel to support this vision or not. 
I want you to know that I love you as you are, and I look forward to seeing you in a moment, not too very long from now.

And finally, on behalf of these fine plants, the Amazon, and my good self, thank you for your kindness, your generosity, and just for being so exquisitely you.


Big love,  



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